In the Spirit of Botham


My Day
By Dr. J. Ester Davis

I walked up the steps of this historic 90 -year old church embedded in the heart of Dallas . . .overlooking the City of Dallas and was greeted by a friendly person calling my name.  Minister Jon Morrison and The Cedar Crest Church of Christ opened their doors to the community, the media and this family.  The Botham Jean Family Press Conference was scheduled for 12:30 PM, Sunday, September 22,   but I wanted to be a part of some of the service. Entering the sanctuary the visual monitor positioned prominently for view at all angles announced the speaker who had already taken the pulpit.  It read …Minister Bertrum Jean.  “It’s About Time We Hunger & Thirst After Righteousness”. (Matthew 5:1-6).

Minister Bertrum Jean’s message was about spiritual hungry, rivers of living waters and having an appetite and thirst for righteousness.  His composure was

steadfast, with compassion for all, direct with the sternness of a loving father. Bertrum Jean’s voice maintained a pointed cadence, deliberate and full of your attention. As a writer, speaker and show host, I tend to stay away from body language.  It is over rated.  There are cultural differences in the language of the body. So many therapist and so called ‘experts’ misinterpret what you are seeing.

Just in listening and in personal thoughts, Minister Bertrum Jean’s message was painful and sad.  At no time did this courageous minister/father exhibit a portrait of revenge nor anger.  Not even a hint of hatred or malice.  It was an amazing deliverance of heart. .  much like the spirit of his son, Botham.

Botham Jean, a 26 year old from St. Lucia, was murdered in September, 2018, by a Dallas Police Officer in his home.  The trial is an international incident in process in Dallas, Texas, with local and global media present following every detail. The trial is expected to last about two weeks and the family members entourage is committed to remain in Dallas awaiting justice.

Most names are linked to a namesake or meaning. Allison and Bertrum Jean assigned their son to a promise with his name. The name “Botham” mean . . . you can go to great heights and equally great depths.  You are fixed in your opinions.  You are frank, methodical and believe in law, system and order.

Ester Davis can be reached,
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