I Corinthians Study I Corinthians 2:1-16 Human Wisdom in Contrast to the Ministry of the Holy Spirit

Rev Johnny C Smith
Rev. Johnny C. Smith,
Pastor – Mount Moriah
Missionary Baptist Church

The grand Apostle Paul begins verse 1 by stating the method by which he proclaimed God’s word.  He did not come to the Corinthian believers preaching a philosophical message demonstrating his superb oratorical skill, nor did he come in the wisdom of the world as he declared the testimony of God.  Paul came preaching the fact that Christ had been crucified which was a great testimony or mystery of God!

In the Old Testament, the actual event of Christ’s crucifixion was certainly revealed in type and in prophecy, but the actual event had not transpired!  Avoiding philosophical arguments that would promote disagreements, Paul simply presented the preaching of the cross of Christ (v. 2).  Paul was steadfast in his presentation of preaching a crucified Saviour, a message that should be faithfully presented to a dying world today!

Conveying his intimate thoughts and period of being weak, Paul preached, not with the eloquent words of man’s wisdom, but he preached with the power of the Holy Spirit to the end that the Corinthian believers’ faith would stand in the power of God (vv. 3-5).  Paul stresses the importance of the wisdom of God in a mystery being revealed that pertains to the cross of Christ.  A mystery is a truth heretofore concealed which is now revealed.  The princes of this world were not acquainted with the hidden mystery of the wisdom of God (vv. 7-8).

Paul reveals to us that there are certain things that the eye has not seen (v. 9).  Paul is stating explicitly that certain things cannot be gained by human means.  The things that God has prepared for us that love Him cannot be attained through what we see, hear or through reasoning.  However, God instructs in His word by the Holy Spirit, who is the true Teacher (vv. 10-13).  In contrast, the natural man (unsaved man) cannot receive the things of God because they are foolishness to him (v. 14).  The natural man cannot understand the things of God because he or she is unsaved!

The Holy Spirit is needed in his or her life in understanding God’s word, because the Holy Spirit is the great Revealer, for St. John 16:13-14 says:  “Howbeit when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of  Himself; but whatsoever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will shew you things to come.  He shall glorify me: for He shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.”

In relation to the spiritual man (the saved man), he or she can understand the things of God (vv. 15-16).  Divine truth can only be understood by the spiritual man (the saved man), not the natural man (unsaved man).  The message of Christ being crucified on a cross of shame is foolishness to the natural man!  As believers in this dispensation of Grace, we can spiritually discern the importance of God’s revelation for guidance in our daily walk.

May God Bless!