
By Divine Design News Service
Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton dumped Real Estate Mogul Donald Trump during a live television debate Monday in a fierce series of exchanges that resulted in the Republican presidential nominee nervously sipping glasses of water, snorting and sweating profusely as the two rivals clashed on subjects such as race, policing, personal character and job creation.
At one point during the 90 minute contest, which was moderated by NBC News anchor Lester Holt, Trump barked that Clinton lacked the stamina to serve as president. Secretary Clinton challenged Trump to release his tax returns, saying that he either had not paid any taxes or had something that he wanted to hide from the American people. “Everyone else has done it and you should do it as well,” she said, referring to former presidential contenders.
Dressed in a blue suit, with a white shirt and bright red tie, Trump suggested that not paying federal income taxes was prudent, and that those who do so were simply taking advantage of IRS tax loop holes that favored them.
When Holt, one of the most well respected broadcast journalists in the country, asked each candidate about race relations in America, and the shootings of African American males by police officers, Trump responded by saying that as president he would help restore “law and order” in America. Calling cities such as Chicago, Baltimore and Ferguson worse those third-world cities, he said that illegal immigrants contributed to crime, and that Stop and Frisk, a policing program ruled unconstitutional by a federal judge, should be implemented in cities throughout the nation.
“Donald Trump does not understand the African American community,” Clinton responded. “The program he is proposing was ineffective, and did not do what it was supposed to do. We cannot simply say that we need law and order. We have to come up with plans that address t problems that confront us as people.”
Clinton said that one of the reasons that contributed to the shootings of black men, and mass incarceration of black and Hispanic youth was the “intrinsic biases” that people have about those who are different from them.
“We jump to conclusions about one another,” she said. “We need to ask hard questions about why we feel differently about our fellow citizens. As president, I will place funds in my first budget that will address the implicit biases that we have.”
During the last 45 minutes of the debate, Trump seemed confused and bewildered according to several television debate analysts. One focus group in Florida, consisting of 20 undecided voters, said that 18 of them had decided that Clinton would be the best person for the Oval Office, after watching the two candidates debate.
Steve Schmidt, a Republican news analysis, who previously worked in the campaigns of several Republican presidential candidates, said that Trump “looked exhausted and was incoherent during the debate. Chris Matthews, an NBC Anchor, said that Secretary Clinton had pitched a “shut out” to Trump, and that Republican operatives in the debate hall looked worried after the broadcast. Two additional debates are scheduled prior to the November 8th presidential election.