
The “42nd Annual Harambee Festival” kicked-off this past Saturday, October 29, 2016 at the Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center, 2922 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. in sunny South Dallas, Texas 75215. This well-anticipated Halloween alternative began at 12 Noon and continued until 5:00 P.M! I must say, it was a true S-U-C-C-E-S-S! In the greatest sense of the word! As a matter of fact, l would even call it a G-R-E-A-T S-U-C-C-E-S-S! It was a joy to see the children have such a wonderful time! They were served hot dogs, chips and drinks and each child was given a bag of treats including candy, coloring books and surprises!
With uncontrollable laughter, they played games, jumped in the bounce house, hula hooped, got their faces painted and played games in the computer room. All this took place in the “Othello Beck, Jr. Wattoto Village” which was sponsored by the Harambee Festival Steering Committee, Ms. Tiffinni Young, Dallas City Council, the M. L. K Jr. representatives, Ms. Pamela R. Jones, M.L.K. Jr. Ctr.’s manager and Ms. LaRhonda Bacon, the center’s Event Coordinator and Citizens Committee To Save Our Children led by Mr. Willie Minor who also served as the 2016 planning committee’s Chairperson. There were many contributors for the event which was greatly appreciated! The local talent was amazing! Children and adults danced to great sounding music performed by the “children approved” entertainment, including soloist’s Daryl Yancy and Cathey Sparks and “Wandering Mime” praise dancer, Ann Porter (among others) who gave them their all with their stunning performances! The adults flocked to the different venders of clothing, jewelry and fragrances and such. There were also health screenings and established known organizations like M.A.D.D. (Mothers against Drunk Driving) that provided the visitors with plenty of information to take home for later use or request extended information if needed. “Sweet Georgia Brown Barbecue Restaurant, Hardeman’s Barbecue and Colter’s Barbecue” provided food that was on hand for the volunteers to keep them energized to run the errands and do the duties and tasks necessary for the event to run smoothly. As the end of the festival neared, there was a “Balloon Release Ceremony.” All day during the event, balloons could be purchased for $1.00. Participants were encouraged to write the name of a deceased loved on the balloon and then hold on to the balloon until the countdown and the release which was a beautiful sight! Mr. Billy “Murk” Murkledove was one of the founders remembered this year since “Murk” recently passed last month. Other honoree’s included Murk’s widow Bobbie for her work in the community, Mr. Willie Minor (Citizen’s committee to save our Children) who was acknowledged by Mrs. Murkledove who presented Minor with a gift that was intended to be presented by her husband, “Murk.” Minor says… “I couldn’t ask for a more satisfying day! The people came out, everyone enjoyed themselves and as usual, the weather was pleasant! Time to get ready for next year though!” He added! After a while I concluded that although my main purpose for being at this year’s “Harambee Festival” was to get information and pictures for this story I must admit, that I too had a good time and I can’t wait till next year! Actually…l hope to see you there too! If you would like to participate next year by becoming a sponsor, vender, volunteer or entertainer call Mr. Minor @ 214 978-7164.