
By Fairy Mason
Editorial Columnist
HARAMBEE! It’s that time of year again! Yes! I’m talking about the Harambee Festival that is celebrated at the end of October each year. Harambee is a Swahili word that means “pull together” or unity. Each year hundreds of people from all over Texas “pull together” to enjoy a day of music, crafts, food and fun and the enthusiasm has continued to increase! Why wouldn’t it? The Harambee Festival is one of the longest most celebrated observances in our area! The actual date for this commemorative day is only a month away but the extensive planning and exhaustive preparation began earlier this year. This weekend l had the pleasure of speaking with Mr. Willie Minor, who is serving as the planning committee’s chairperson. He is justly excited and optimistic about the success of the upcoming event however he admits that help is still needed.
Minor: “If you happen to own/manage a business or you have information about a non‐profit that you would like to pass out, you’re invited to reserve a booth. Also…this area is filled with many talented and seasoned entertainers. Singers, dancers, bands, comedians, etc. We most definitely enjoy the Church choirs that responds! Youth groups and organizations are also encouraged to participate. If you have published music or cd’s, you may be allowed to sale or give away your musicat a pre‐assigned booth during a scheduled time period. We need volunteers who will make sure everything runs smoothly. Also, they help with everything from giving out information to escorting entertainers to the stage. Lastly, of course no event can function nor can it become a reality without sponsors! If an individual, group or business would like to become involved with this yearly endeavor, we welcome your needed help! You can provide food, drinks, water, candy or make cash donations! We rely heavily on our sponsors who aid us in securing stages, T‐shirts and more. If you would like to be a part of this historical annual celebration, please contact me. There is a lot to be done and you know what they say…….the more the merrier! We look forward to a wonderful day and we look forward to seeing you there!”
Fairy: The Harambee Festival is a pre‐Halloween alternative festivity, which we should continuously recognize and honor with visible pride! This is a day on which entire families can and will enjoy! Mark your calendars now! The community needs your participation, love and support! But don’t go alone! Include everybody… cousins, aunts and uncles!
And remember……. HARAMBEE!!!
42nd ANNUAL HARAMBEE FESTIVAL Saturday, October 29, 2016 at the Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center, 2922 Martin Luther King, Jr Blvd. Dallas, Texas 75215 – 12:00 P.M.5:00 P.M. Email Willie Minor at williehminorjr@gmail.com