God’s Presence on Twitter

Dr. J. Ester Davis
Dr. J. Ester Davis

My Day
By Dr. J. Ester Davis

Social media is a proven tool that when used for good can awaken the consciousness of millions and yield rich blessings.  Great things have been done in an awestruck moment simply by God using his “twitter account” appointing a messenger to accomplish the mission impossible.  So, why is everybody shocked when God moves?    Or do you think it was still part of a political agenda?

It was Wednesday late afternoon and the day sun was warm enough with a lite breeze for sitting outside on the patio at Fernando’s on Midway Road and Northwest Highway.  The pop-up rains had made everything fresher and more inviting.   After warm greetings with Kene and Minister Linda Holliday (I am Chosen Ministries International), I was asked could I possibly drop off our guest at a downtown hotel after the interview.  Of course was my reply.   This had been a full day of interviews scheduled on this high profile tour and the entourage was headed to another Texas city.

I have learned one definite thing in my nearly two decades on television and more as a writer. There is always, always more to the story.  Thus, placing a lot of truth to “every pancake has two sides”, and it is no secret what God can do.  But, as I heard a pastor say once, you have to recognize his work.

Within several minutes, Alice Marie Johnson ended her telephone call and joined us under the canopy with a genuine heartwarming handshake and an easy smile.  “She looks just like her pictures on the news”, I thought.    Alice Johnson, a first offender, is the lady who spent twenty (20) years in a federal prison, with a life sentence for a non-violent drug crime.  She was pardoned by the current administration after a visit to the White House by reality star Kim Kardashian West.  Ms. Johnson is endlessly so grateful for her freedom and the thousand – upon-thousand of people that played a role in her “miracle” release.  But her real message is it is a miracle . . . not a political move.  My question to Kene and Linda Holliday was ‘help-me-connect-the-dots’.  How did you get involved? Kene Holiday is one of the stars on the “Matlock” series still running on television locally, nationally, somewhere in the world in several languages.  And his wife, Minister Holliday, known as the ‘clergy-to -the -stars” ordained Alice Johnson, a Minister, while in prison at the Carlswell Base Federal Prison for Women in Fort Worth, Texas, in 1998.

The journey of freeing Ms. Johnson dates back to the 1990’s.  It is an amazing story and I am certain it is headed for the big screen.  First of all, she was characterized as a model prisoner, a playwright who wrote plays for the inmates, directed Christmas programs, and received credit for conferences outside and inside prison walls.  Ms. Alice Johnson had the highest caliber of work ethics bestowed upon her by the warden, fellow inmates.  More than 200,000 people signed the Change.Org, a petition on Alice Johnson’s behalf started by her family.  Championing her quest for freedom, Alice Johnson caught the attention of African American Mayors Association, clergy in Tennessee, Texas and Mississippi, her home state.  Kim Kardashian West became interested after seeing a video last year online and the reported story is that she made a visit to Ivanka Trump’s home to accomplish the mission.  Just for the record, her Twitter account has 60 million followers plus Kanye’s 27 million followers.

And finally, there are approximately 3,200 people serving life sentences without parole for a non-violent offense in the federal system.  Nearly 65% are black, most are drug offenders.      More to come on prison reform.  My sincere thanks to Ms.  Alice Marie Johnson for our spirit-filled conversation.

Email:  estyler2000@aol.com