“From the Desk of a Layman” Creation – Genesis 1: 1-31

Mr. Gene W. Turner
Mr. Gene W. Turner

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.

Creation shows us the absolute beginning of the temporal and material world.

This tells us that God created the original heaven and earth from nothing and verse 2 clarifies the fact that when it came from our creator’s hand, this mass was without form, and void, unformed and without any kind of life.

What has happened so far? These two (2) verses mean everything to creation.

First of all God did not make the statement in the first verse, Moses made that statement, not God. Even though God was the creator, and did do what verse one (1) said He done.

What most people do not understand is the fact that all Hebrew writers always use a summation statement, and then go on to tell how it was done. Moses was a Hebrew writer who was writing about the beginning, so naturally he would do what Hebrews do in this case.

Many people have decided that millions of years passed between verse one (1) and verse two (2). Not so, Moses started with verse two (2) to explain from the beginning how ~ oddid w hat He did, and how He did it.

There is no evidence in the Hebrew text that many years of evolutionary development or a gap of time between verse 1 and verse 2. The Genesis account of creation refutes atheism, pantheism, polytheism, and evolution, because the name (Elohim) is used in the creation because the name Elohim which means God is singular, and cannot be duplicated.

It is better if all teachers of the Bible would take Hebrew and Greek at some point in time at some seminary or Bible College. The term “Tohu Wabohu”, which means “unformed and unfilled”. The King James Version translated Tohu Wabohu as VOID, and that alone have caused a lot of people to come with the ideas of their own. Especially this one, “God created the world and SATAN came down and destroyed the earth and God had to remake the world.

When has God ever let Satan destroy anything that He made? God would not let him destroy Adam, or anything that He made, and the reason why he is not still Lucifer is because of his Covetousness. Satan is a persuader; he cannot make you do anything without God’s approval. Satan himself is still a servant; he has to report to God when God calls. Remember the book of Job, Chapter 2.

Two things that never happened, and that is (1) Satan did not destroy the world that God created at any time. (2) There is no such thing as the Gap Theory.

The second verse only declares the fact that God started putting the world together as it is today, because the Bible fully states that the Spirit of God movea upon the face of the waters. In verse 3
we find that God said, “Let there be light which was the first day. We know the 6 days of creation were 24 hour days is because of the Hebrew word “YOM”, which means a 24 hour day. This light was not as day light with the sun shining that will come later. The second day God formed the firmament which divided the waters from the waters.

The third day: God developed seas, land, and vegetation. On the fourth day: heavenly bodies, stars, the sun, and moon.

On the fifth day: Animal life of sea and air, birds, whales, fish, etc.

On the sixth day: Animal life on earth cattle and creeping things, and beast of every kind. Let us remember the word “YOM”