From a Biblical Perspective: Blessed are the Persecuted: Matthew 5:10 – 5:12

“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.”
Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world! Paul is saying that we are t live different from the world. That’s what God expects, and the reason that many of us will never face any kind of persecution in life is because we look and act just like the world.
Is there any evidence in your life that you are changing to become more like Jesus?
If you didn’t tell your friends that you went to church, would they know you were a Christian just because your life looked different?
There’s a Christian bumper sticker that says, “If you were on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?”
Let’s be honest. None of us want to be hated. Given the choice, almost every person on earth would rather be accepted by others than unaccepted; they’d rather fit in than be an outcast; they’d rather be popular than be persecuted.
The Bible says that everyone who follows Jesus will be persecuted, but here are some things to remember:
#1 We’re blessed if we suffer because of our faith in Jesus.
#2 If you’re being persecuted, you’re doing something right.
So stay strong. Follow Jesus…and remember. You stand up for Him, and He’ll stand up for you.
The Bible says that everyone who lives a godly life and follows Jesus Christ will face persecution. Are you facing any persecution in your life?
If not, maybe you need to start asking, “Why?”