Freedom Sunday Local Pastors Unite In Effort To Get Out The Vote

Freedom Sunday invited all Texans and the community to join Pastors as they took their congregations, directly after their worship services, straight from the pews to the polls.
Freedom Sunday is a non-partisan statewide voter turnout initiative with one purpose, and that purpose is to increase voter turnout in our faith communities. It is important that our black communities are heard.
“Every time we make any moves forward, we change things,”Reverend Rickie Rush explained about the importance of this year’s term.
In the 2013 ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court, struck down the need for historically discriminatory states to get approval prior to making changes to voting laws. Here, in Texas, many feel voters are now experiencing suppression through the Voter ID Law.
Freedom Sunday is an effort to recall the spirit of Freedom Summer. In 1964, Mississippi had the lowest percentage of eligible black voters who were actually registered to vote.
“What we saw back in the 60s was a result of the oppression that was placed on black people and I think the church became a command center. We have not seen that kind of graphic oppression since then, but I do not doubt that should it arise and as it arises the church will galvanize again,” according to Bishop Jakes.
Sunday, October 26, We invited all communities to join us in holding voter registration drives, candidate forums, and supporting Freedom Sunday by engaging in the Calendar of Activities and committing to showing up at the polls on Sunday between 1:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.!
For more information contact the Main Office at Mizpah Foundation 2020 West Wheatland Rd, Dallas, Texas 75232 or send a direct message on the Freedom Sunday Texas website at