Does Alameel Want the Black Vote

Mollie Finch Belt The Dallas Examiner
Mollie Finch Belt
The Dallas Examiner

It has come to the attention of the Texas Publishers Association – The Black Press of Texas, that Mr. Alameel’s campaign has deliberately neglected the Black Press. He and his representatives have ignored the Black Press. Mr. Alameel is not seen at Black Churches, Black organizations and other venues to present himself to Black voting populations.

The African American community deserves more than yard signs and blanket statements about how electing him to be our Senator is advantageous to the empowerment and continued strengthening of our communities. We believe the African American press is the cornerstone for information in African American communities throughout Dallas/Fort Worth and Texas. Many Black people rely on us to inform them of the issues and concerns the major media outlets overlook. Representatives of the Black Press have attempted to contact Mr. Alameel’s campaign and his office on numerous occasions and received no reply.

It is unfortunate that Mr. Alameel’s campaign strategy is to continue to rely on and pay gatekeepers who pretend to have the best interest of the African American community at heart. Those same gatekeepers do not use the Black Press of Dallas/Fort Worth and Texas to get his very important message out to the African American community. In actuality it is yours and other Politicians’ gatekeepers who have kept a large number of African Americans in the dark by not partnering with and using the resources of the Black Press in Dallas/Ft Worth and throughout Texas. This vehicle can help you energize the electorate and push your campaign to victory.

Kesha Rogers is Mr. Alameels’s current Democratic opponent in the May runoff. Ms. Rogers is a young African American woman who has Bill Boards throughout the African community stating as part of her campaign, “Impeach Obama”. Black people will not support anyone that boldly campaigns to impeach the only Black President this nation has ever had. Hopefully Mr. Alameel and his representatives are not solely relying on Ms. Rogers’ campaign rhetoric to lure the Black vote. Again DOES ALAMEEEL WANT THE BLACk VOTE.