Do you need Childcare Assistance?

Child care is a workforce issue. Parents cannot go to work or to school if they don’t have access to affordable, accessible care for their children.
ChildCareGroup manages the Child Care Assistance program (also known as the child care subsidy program) which provides qualified families with financial assistance to offset the high cost of child care so that parents can go to work or attend school or job training. Eligible families can seek financial support for care for their children from birth to age 12.
Working on behalf of Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas and Workforce Solutions Southeast Texas, the Child Care Assistance (CCA) program helps subsidize the cost of care for 22,000 children and their 11,000 parents. Through the CCA program, we are supporting today’s workforce and preparing tomorrow’s workforce.
Getting Started with Child Care Assistance
Eligibility for the Child Care Assistance program is based on residence, earnings, activity hours and the child’s eligibility. The amount of subsidy provided is based on household income and the number of children in care.
For more information about the Dallas CCA Program, call 214-630-5949 or visit