
The DeSoto High School JROTC program hosted the annual DeSoto ISD Veterans Day event on November 7 in the DHS Auditorium. JROTC Senior Army Instructor LTC (Retired) Russell Hooper orchestrated an outstanding salute to veterans.
The ceremony included armed and unarmed drill team exhibitions, choir and cheerleader performances, cadet words from the heart about serving, and the traditional service song medley to honor all attending veterans.
The DHS Eagle Battalion is under the command of Battalion CO C/LTC Kyrian Spearman, Battalion XO C/ MAJ Javarron VanZandt and Battalion CSM C/CSM Shabazz Chappell. JROTC instructors are LTC (Ret) Russell Hooper, 1SG (Ret) Frank Jackson and SFC (Ret) Edward Prueitt. The Eagle Battalion has five companies with approximately 100 cadets.
The event was held early so that the DeSoto High School JROTC could again march in the Dallas Veteran’s Day Parade on Monday, November 11. The DHS JROTC has earned top honors, Best Marching Unit, several times in the past few years. The DHS choir and JROTC also participated in the City of DeSoto Veteran’s Day functions on November 9.