DART police to get life-saving training on how to ‘Stop the Bleed’

Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) invited media representatives to join DART police officers taking part in a specialized training session to learn life-saving techniques in emergency situations.
The training is part of a national initiative call ‘Stop the Bleed’, a campaign that looks to empower immediate responders and bystanders with the ability to act quickly and save lives.
Trauma surgeons and educational staff from Baylor Scott & White Health will teach officers how to use a tourniquet to stop bleeding from gunshot wounds or other life-threatening injuries. Officers will also learn how to put pressure on the wounds to stem bleeding before medical personnel arrive.
The training session took place from 9 to 11 a.m., Wed., Aug. 17, at Dallas Area Rapid Transit Police Headquarters, 2111 S. Corinth St. Road, Dallas, TX, 75203 across from Illinois Station on the Blue Line.
Training consisted of a one-hour classroom presentation followed by hands-on demonstrations for officers to learn wound packing, applying tourniquets to others and themselves, and ensuring an injured victim’s airway is clear for breathing. Once trained, DART officers will be issued tourniquets that can be worn on their belt provided by Baylor Scott & White Health.