Dallas Post Tribune “Nightlife”

By Dr. J. Ester Davis
In all major categories, Dallas is unmistakably the most vibrant city on the universe. Jobs and jobs, food and drink, goods and services, arts and culture, music and water, kid stuff and ahh… nightlife.
Our nightlife is intimately engaging, profoundly culturally mixed, cool, hot, wrapped around some of the most prestigious business addresses and
people in any country. Among the ‘best’ of the best opportunities imaginable… is the fact that Dallas is still growing.
Let me share with you some “hot” pictures from the holiday nightlife welcoming in the new year:
Ester Davis can be reached at www.esterday.com or production@dallasposttrib.net.
“LIKE” us on www.facebook.com/dallasposttribto see more “Nightlife” and additional photos from the nights.