Dallas Leadership Foundation and Local Churches Come Together Despite Racial and Political Differences

DALLAS – On April 8, 2017, the second annual Transform Dallas citywide workday will be conducted by Dallas Leadership Foundation in partnership with six local churches and volunteers to provide a day of service for those in need throughout the city.
“The goal is to serve our community together, which allows us to talk about the powerful benefits of working together – despite denominational, racial, class or political differences,” said Wil McCall, CEO and president of the 22-year-old nonprofit Dallas Leadership Foundation.
Dallas Leadership Foundation and the partner churches working with the organization are recruiting over 4,000 volunteers to pitch in with activities such as feeding the homeless, showing hospitality to refugees, visiting patients in hospitals, and making home improvements for Dallas residents free of charge. The combined effort is expected to involve more than 250 projects valued at over $400,000.00
Transform Dallas was launched in August 2015 when prominent Dallas churches formed an alliance with Dallas Leadership Foundation to combat division and polarization while showing love and offering hope. The community service campaign mobilizes people of faith to demonstrate compassionate leadership to Dallas residents.
As part of the campaign, pastors from across Dallas have practiced what they intend to preach on the Transform Dallas workday. The pastors have spent time getting to know each other and encouraged their congregations to mobilize across the lines that normally divide people. The pastors also view Transform Dallas as an opportunity to support front-line community service organizations and introduce volunteers to opportunities to serve others throughout the year.
For more information, contact Dallas Leadership Foundation Public Relations and Marketing Director Stephanie Howard at 214.777.5520, 214.405.9841 (cell) or showard@dlftx.org.