Dallas ISD fall break schedule



Dallas ISD is incorporating a fall break for students and campus team members this school year. Campuses will be closed Thursday, Oct. 12 and Friday. Oct. 13. Following the break, teachers will return on Monday, Oct. 16 for a professional development day, while students return to campuses Tuesday, Oct. 17.

Fall break also coincides with the district’s Fair Days. Parents, guardians, and students are encouraged to contact their respective schools to determine their specific Fair Day. The State Fair of Texas implemented a minor’s policy for 2023, requiring all aged 17 and under be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or chaperone over the age of 21 effective at 5 p.m. daily. Any student who exhibits illegal and/or dangerous behavior will be escorted out of State Fair grounds to ensure this special opportunity is a safe and fun experience.

Additional information can be found on the Fair’s website.