Dallas ISD expands successful ACE program for the 2020-2021 school year

DALLAS — Dallas ISD will expand its Accelerating Campus Excellence (ACE) program to eight additional campuses for the 2020-2021 school year. This initiative incentivizes top teachers and principals to voluntarily work at the district’s highest-need schools, ensuring the best educators are in classrooms where they are needed the most.
Since its inception in 2015, ACE schools have shown a continuous improvement by combining effective instruction, additional learning time, and social and academic skill-building. As a result, academic performance has increased in core content areas, attendance has improved, and parents feel more positive about their child’s school.
In 2019, Texas Education Agency (TEA) accountability ratings showed that all seven ACE Leadership campuses received a Met Standard rating and were awarded 22 state distinctions for academic performance after their first year of ACE.
Within the coming weeks, Dallas ISD will host meetings with faculty, parents and community members to share additional information about the program expansion.
The new 2020-2021 campuses are:
- Nancy J. Cochran Elementary School
- Rufus C. Burleson Elementary School
- Frederick Douglass Elementary School
- Cedar Crest Elementary School
- Wilmer-Hutchins Elementary School
- John Neely Bryan Elementary School
- George W. Truett Elementary School
- New Wilmer Elementary School
For additional information, please visit https://www.dallasisd.org/ACE