Dallas County Democrats Call on Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson to Resign


DALLAS — In light of his recent public declaration that he is switching his party affiliation, the Dallas County Democratic Party is calling on Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson to resign and give the voters of Dallas the opportunity to choose a leader who will uphold their values in good faith. He knowingly portrayed himself as a lifelong Democratic voter and representative throughout his re-election campaign for mayor. Now, less than four months after being re-elected to his final term in office, he has declared that he will govern the city as a Republican. This switch is the launch of a selfish and cynical strategy to get his next job at the expense of his current job, the one Dallas voters elected him to do. He is putting politics, and his resume, ahead of the people.

Over the last several days, we have heard from scores of angry voters who feel deceived and blindsided by the mayor’s announcement. We urge Dallas voters to make their voices heard by registering to speak at Wednesday’s City Council meeting. Dallas County Democratic Party Chair Kardal Coleman has registered to speak at the meeting, and will be publicly calling on the mayor to resign.

Party Chair Kardal Coleman issued the following statement:

“Mayor Eric Johnson’s switch to the Republican Party is nothing short of an insult to Dallas voters. The Texas Republican Party proved it is the party of corruption and crime by voting not to impeach Attorney General Ken Paxton. Johnson’s decision to join that party is an embarrassment to him and to our community. Mayor Johnson has run out on his job, he’s run out on the voters that elected him, and now his time has run out. Eric Johnson must resign now.”