Dallas C Voters


My Day
By Dr. J. Ester Davis

9.62% Really?

Dallas has always been a leader.  Dallas County for years was the ‘lone ranger’ big blue county in Texas. To date, there are four(4)big ‘blue’ counties in Texas, i.e., Dallas County, Austin(Travis County), Houston(Harris County), San Antonio(Bexar County). We are moving forward and we need to remember 9.62% and never allow it to appear again. Dallas is the top choice internationally with the high-speed rail, the inland port, world headquarters anchoring in North Texas, and downtown neighborhood associations for the residents.

As Americans, we are honestly off to a good start.  The last 100 days have been refreshingly significant.  All the ambience says ‘America is back’.   We voted in record numbers all over the nation in November 2020, mainly because the death count, the raging bull in the room, was a virus. I am still troubled by the fact that a solution was left in the White House by #44 and literally “trashed” by #45.  The answer to the virus was mocked by #45 and a media circus-on-tour supported by the Republican Party.  The new solution to the virus was to place handcuffs-on-the-health officials, let Americans die and stuff  Christmas stockings with lies. No agenda, no answers,  just #45 constantly finger-pointing bashing the entire ordeal as ‘fake’.

Now!  Long gone are the lies, incompetency,  blatant disrespect for women, encouraging voters to commit voter fraud, uplifting white supremacy,  scandals-after-scandal,  raids on high officials, controversies galore, destructive boasting, endless tweaks, race-baiting, refusal to concede, indictments with media fake news attached to everything.

This week,(May 1, 2021),  we had an election.  Locally, Dallas County Voters, the Texas’ lone blue county with tenure, with all its potential, promise, prominence, and proven leadership, had a voter turnout of 9.62%.  There are 1,329,849 (+/-) registered voters in Dallas County. I was so disappointed.  This was so unbelievable!  I know we can do better.  I am certain Dallas County wants ‘better’.  The vote is the ticket for boarding.

Meanwhile, while we are not voting in our all-important local elections the other party in the Texas Legislature plus 40+ other states. . .  . .are constantly practicing how to prefect suppressing the black vote. They are not fair nor patriotic about it.  Texas Democrats have now contacted the United States Attorney General to urge the Civil Rights Division of the United States Justice Department to intervene and monitor the unconstitutional methods Republicans are taking to suppress the vote in Texas. That’s right, Texas.  While we were not voting, a voter suppression bill was ‘crammed’ through with no notice to Democrats on the committee.  Supposedly, the bill which was rewritten behind closed doors, with no public input, no hearing, no testimony passed on a 5-4 vote.  Voting, as we witnessed this season, is a sure way to not only send a profound everlasting message, but it rules. Can we please just vote in every election and use the post office in every way.

As I was told so eloquently this week, what makes you think the “Jim Crow” days are gone?

Dallas has always been the leader.