Congresswoman Johnson Announces Opposition to Trump’s Roll Back of the Clean Power Plan

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

Dallas, TX – Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson today released the following statement announcing her opposition to the Trump Administration’s proposal to reverse the Obama Administration’s Clean Power Plan, which is projected to only reduce pollutant emissions by a negligible amount by 2030 whereas the Obama Administration plan would have cut emissions by 19 percent:

“Once again President Trump has decided to ignore science and put the health of the American people and our environment at risk. It is appalling that President Trump’s EPA was just touting the fact that harmful air pollutants have dropped by 73 percent since the Clean Air Act was enacted at the very same time they were working to roll back the clock on that very achievement.

“Instead of promoting innovation and the creation of new jobs in the renewable energy industry, this Administration insists we continue to creep further back into the dark ages. This action falls in line with a long and growing list of the Trump Administration’s attack on the environment and public health. We should continue working to do what it takes to improve our air quality, not sacrificing our Nation’s health to benefit the pockets of coal industry executives. I hope that we do not lose our momentum in the fight for better air quality and mitigation of climate change due to the President’s obsession with the coal industry.”