
Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, the ranking member of the powerful House committee on Science, Space and Technology, announced Monday at a labor union breakfast that she would be a candidate in next year’s Congressional election.
“When I first went to Congress I promised the voters that I would stay until my was completed,” she said before 1500 cheering labor union members who attended the annual Dallas AFL-CIO Labor Day breakfast held in Mesquite. “The work is not finished and I intend to continue the fight.”
Congresswoman Johnson, who recently returned from the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington, said that she would continue to fight for a jobs bill, voting rights and immigration reform. “We cannot give up, we cannot give-in. We must together to make America a better country.
As a member of the Transportation Committee, Congresswoman Johnson has been responsible for securing more than $1 billion for Dart, the light rail system in North Texas. Once fully completed it was be the largest such system in the country.
“I am ready to fight for what is right,” Congresswoman Johnson said as the entire audience rose to their feet. “I will continue to do my part as a
member of Congress in Washington. Together, we can bring about the changes that are so desperately needed in America.”