Congratulations!! Dr. Ester Davis

Mrs. Yuri Hernandez, wife of Bishop Mark Hernandez; Mrs. Debra Jones, Jones 2000 Models; Mrs. Yoshika Halsey, former member of the Japan Opera House, wife of Mr. John Halsey, President, UPF; Dr. Ester Davis, and her sister, Mrs. Marjorie Hobbs, an educational consultant from San Antonio ISD, at the September 1, 2013, Grace International Seminary Summer Commencement.
Doctorate of Divinity are offered upon a religious scholar of standing and distinction. These are recognized recipients with ministry orientated accomplishments. I met Ester Davis over twenty years ago and I can truly testify that she has always had a passionate driven” ministry” with a network of followers. She, I and my wife, Debra, were all a part of the mainstream fabric at the Dallas Apparel Mart. However, Dr. Davis had just merged her first company, ABRO (Alliance of Black Retail Owners) with Terry Manufacturing out of Roanoak , Alabama, who at that time was the manufacturers of McDonald’s uniforms. At the same time in Dallas, Dr. Davis, a trained concert pianist, was the founder of a sensational gospel group called the South Dallas Community Youth Choir, who traveled who traveled the nation, Lace Gloves Modeling &Â Etiquette Programs, now Jones 2000 Models.
Dr. Davis is a famous writer. As a scriptwriter for Pat Summerall Productions, she wrote under an assumed name. As a columnist for United Press International (UPI), she was asked by one of the editors of The Washington Times to join the Religion and Spirituality Group after 9/11/2001. This placed her and her pen traveling internationally for four years writing about religion, culture and peace. Worldwide, the UPI
Religion and website received as high as nine million hits a month. In 2011, she received the “Woman of Distinction” Award in San Jose, Costa Rica from the Women Federation for World Peace. I remember, she was really excited about this award sharing the spotlight with Keynote Speaker, Doro Bush Koch, Kim Barrow, wife of the Prime Minister of Belize, Graciela Rompani de Pacheco, the widow of the former President of Uruguay. Whew! It’s congratulations time. Job richly well done. . . well deserved. Ok. Ok. What’s next, Dr. Davis?