
Concerned Citizens Members of the community joined forcesMembers of the community join forces today to communicate to the Dallas ISD Board of Trustees that students in Dallas Independent School District (DISD) deserve to have a superintendent who has been successful in raising student achievement in a large urban school district working with large populations of Hispanic and African American students. This is especially relevant to the students in DISD as ninety three percent of the students in DISD are children of color [e.g., Hispanic (70.2) and African American (20.90),Whites
7,532 (4.7), Asian 2,059 (1.3) and others (1 )].

Our students cannot afford to be objects of experimental/unproven educational programs. The current reform effort is based on the educational program of the Broad Foundation.

Despite 15 years of this brand of education “reform,” under 3 superintendents, Dallas test scores on state tests
have remained flat and lower than the state average, and SAT scores have likewise not improved relative to
national averages. The achievement gap between African American and Anglo students has increased. In the
process of selecting a new superintendent, we urge the board to look for someone with a broader, more

comprehensive approach.                                . ,

The community stresses the importance of community input during the entire selection process for a new
superintendent as defined by the Board of Trustees for the Dallas Independent School District. Moving forward
during this transitional period, we implore the Board of Trustees to give great weight to recommendations of
educators, parents and other community groups. The report of the Home Rule Commission should also be
consulted. Public schools belong to the community and not a select group of well-connected individuals who
eliminate the majority of the community in making decisions about our public education system. We can and
should be more inclusive during this selection process. .

We believe the next superintendent should possess the following characteristics and qualities to lead a
large urban school district in line with theprogressive nature of our city:


Experience in a leadership role in a large urban school district.

Commitment to delivering a broad curriculum to all students, including math, science, history, literature,
languages, performing arts, visual arts, music, sports, and career education, using a variety of teaching
methods to reach students from diverse cultural, linguistic
, and economic backgrounds.

Commitment to open, timely, and proactive communication with the press and the public

Leadership style that emphasizes collaboration, leading by example and inspiration rather than intimidation

Respectfor the professionalism of teachers and principals, willingness to consult with their professional

Recognition of the importance of parental and community involvement in the education of children and the
success of public schools.

Ability to understand, respect, build trust and work with the Board of Trustees and the Dallas community to
create an exemplary school district whose
foundation should always be providing a quality education for every

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Now is the time to seize the moment and lay the groundwork for our students to experience educational
opportunities that will take them beyond 21 “century employment and entrepreneurial skills. A world class city
should be the trendsetter in educational innovation. Let us unite in making this a reality. Our students, parents,

and employers are depending on us.

Dr. Harryette Ehrhardt, 214-454-0568
(Dr. Alfred L. Roberts, Sr.,  214-478-7228)
Hector Flores, 214-886-9352
Dr. Roscoe C. Smith, 972-741-8213