Collegiate Prep Second Grader Enjoys Entrepreneurship


(CEDAR HILL, TEXAS) Skylar Lewis is a Chief Executive Officer at age 7.

Sure, the Collegiate Prep second grader’s mother, Brittany, helps out with Skylar’s Sweet Snacks, but Skylar drives the creativity behind a lot of the decisions.

She first became interested in entrepreneurship when she, like many of her peers, opened a lemonade stand in Kindergarten.

She fresh squeezes the lemons and even adds the sugar and water herself. Flavors included strawberry and cranberry.

“We thought people might want to stop by and try some lemonade,” Skylar said.

When the COVID-19 Pandemic hit last March, Skylar reluctantly had to put the lemonade stand on the backburner.

It would have been easy to postpone her entrepreneurial goals all together, but she did the exact

She expanded to other items, including rice krispy treats, t-shirts and coloring books. Future plans include backpacks, lunchboxes and more.

“Some of my friends have the coloring book I’m selling, and they think it’s really cool,” Skylar said.

Skylar attended a youth entrepreneurship conference online.

“It’s inspiring,” Brittany said. “She’s really creative, and she has so many ideas. I tell her to write them down, so she will remember all of them.”

Brittany said many of her family members have worked in the business world, but Skylar is blazing the trail when it comes to entrepreneurship.

“She is inspiring, and I’m really, really proud of her,” Brittany said of Skylar, who is currently doing online Flex Learning this semester.