City of Dallas launches PayByPhone parking Drivers can now feed the meter via smartphone

The City of Dallas and PayByPhone Technologies have launched pay by phone parking, a convenient alternative to using cash at the meter.
PayByPhone allows drivers to pay for metered parking with a credit or debit card using a smartphone app or by dialing a toll free number.
“PayByPhone can also send users a text message reminder five minutes before their meter expires, giving them the option to extend their parking session,” said Parking Enforcement Manager Paul Curington “If you’re stuck in a meeting, enjoying dinner or just want to spend more time shopping, you can add parking time from wherever you are without worrying about getting a ticket.”
PayByPhone street teams will be at 2630 Commerce St. Friday from 4 to 8 p.m. and at Main Street Gardens Saturday Nov. 16 from 4 to 8 p.m. to promote the service, answer questions and help customers sign up.
For a free PayByPhone account, download the Smartphone app (iOS, Android, and Blackberry supported), or visit Don’t have a smartphone? Call 1- 888-680-7275, follow the voice prompts and set up an account to pay for parking with a credit or debit card. One time registration is quick and easy and all information is securely saved. (A 35 cent convenience fee is charged for each transaction).
PayByPhone is a leading international provider of payment solutions for the parking industry, operating in more than 180 cities and municipalities in North America and Europe.