Celebrating Stellar Service and Superb Sacrifice, continued

The Shaping of My Faith
It is true that you never touch someone light enough that you do not leave a trace. The indelible mark that Shelton Tony Wesley Gibbs Jr. impressed upon his son, Shelton Tony Wesley Gibbs III, lives on today. It is not only a distinct part of who he is, but it laid the foundation for his incredible faith journey. A journey that was predestined by the Heavenly Father and in-part shaped by his impression, awe and high esteem for his earthly father. A journey that has allowed him to take the road less travelled and glorify God in the midst of every step.
Walk with Gibbs III through the shaping of his faith as he shares the major milestones that shaped him into the God-fearing, phenomenal man of God he is today.
Jarilyn Fox
Shelton Tony Wesley Gibbs Jr. was a great father who loved his family. As children, there was no doubt that my mother, Thelma, and father loved us. His discipline was not harsh or judgmental. It was intentional but compassionate, accompanied by explaining why he chastised us. Grace, mercy, and forgiveness were frequently spoken of and exemplified toward us, the children, and others. My parents were very generous to other people, always dressed well, and drove nice cars but lived modestly. Yet, despite their imperfections, God always shined through.
His preaching made me want to shout! It made me think about my relationship with God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit. My reading scriptures for him while he preached convicted me. I was left with two thoughts. First, my daddy is the best preacher, and second, the Bible is right! Trust in God, and the scriptures fortified my faith development early. As a faithful preacher’s wife, my mother gave her life and love to my dad, supporting and protecting him and us as he ministered to the people.
There was no question that we would attend Sunday school, worship (AM & PM), and Tuesday night Bible class while growing up. There was also no question that we would attend Southwestern Christian College after finishing High School.
The Southwestern experience brought me into contact with many other classmates who had fathers as preachers and classmates reared in the church as I had been. Christian administrators, Christian teachers, and a Christian environment comprised the soil for my faith to flourish and blossom. It was there that I was introduced to a young lady from Jackson, TN, Jeanette Godwin, the LOVE OF MY LIFE. She had a family and a church experience that complemented mine. Southwestern is where I entered into my profession as a preacher. Because of the name recognition of my father, I was looked upon with great expectation by others.
While I was uncomfortable with their assumptions, my faith rooted in God and the scriptures propelled me forward. I had a conviction that put fire in my soul to share the truth that was so obvious in the word of God.
I was recommended to preach in Clarksville, TX, during my Sophomore year by Jimmy Rose, a fellow SwCC student preacher who preached there and was graduating. This invitation legitimized my preaching career. In addition, Dr. Eugene Lawton, Academic Dean of the College, chose me to represent the student preachers of the school by speaking at the annual lectureship. This opportunity, too, was during my Sophomore year. This occasion launched my career as a preacher in the brotherhood. Following this experience, I began to do youth Gospel Meetings across the brotherhood.
After graduating from Southwestern, I enrolled at Abilene Christian College, following the love of my life, who had gone to ACC a year ahead of me. ACC was my first exposure to the white brotherhood of the Churches of Christ. The contrast and comparison between Black and White opened my eyes to understanding in many ways. I enjoyed my experience in the classes, chapel, and church. I received a bachelor’s degree in Religious Education, giving me insight into church organization and religious education of the family. My love for the Lord’s Church grew here, and the desire to see the local church grow and develop according to God’s will also grew.
Jeanette and I married during our enrollment at ACC, and I entered into authentic manhood. I fondly say to many that my Christian education was certified because it was in “black and white.” However, my experience at ACC broadened my knowledge, vision, and faith.
These experiences, I believe, have shaped me and molded me into the man of faith that I am today. At 71, as I look back, I realize that God providentially guides us. I am so thankful to God for blessing me. His Grace, Mercy, and Forgiveness are why I am who and where I am today. Now you know the story of the formation of my faith; I know you have a chronicle of providence as well. May God bless us all to finish well and hear Him say, “Well done my good and faithful servant.”
Shelton Gibbs III