Celebrating Stellar Service and Superb Sacrifice

Shelton T. W. Gibbs III, one of the most sought-after ministers among the Churches of Christ, retired from full-time pulpit ministry after 40 years of service to the Greenville Avenue Church of Christ in Richardson, TX. The congregation’s leaders, along with the congregation, celebrated him in a grand style.
The event kicked off with a Brothers Brunch, where GACC leaders, members of his homiletics class, along with visiting ministers, showered their blessings and gratitude upon Shelton Gibbs III for his undying dedication to the both the brotherhood and the cause of Christ.
The weekend’s festivities, Celebrating Stellar Service and Superb Sacrifice, included a three prong approach, Remember, Build and Inspire. Remember … Honoring the Life and Works of a Faithful Servant. On Friday, June 25th from 5 pm until the congregation saluted their resident retired minister and his beautiful wife, Jeanette Gibbs, for their 40 years of service to the Greenville Avenue Church of Christ. The event featured over 900 individuals.
Sunday morning was devoted to Build … The Power of Us. It kicked off with a 9 AM Bible powerful class taught by Dr. Lovell C. Hayes, Minister of the East Jackson Church of Christ in Jackson, TN, followed by morning service and a powerful sermon from John Tillman, Minister of the Garden Oaks Church of Christ in Houston, TX. Over 1,800 people were in attendance.
The 2 pm program featured Inspire … A Faithful Man of God, A United Leadership and a Devoted Congregation. Attendees were blessed by a powerful admonition rendered by John S. Dansby Sr., Retired Resident Minister of the Russell Road Church of Christ in Shreveport, LA. The program showcased the original members of the congregation, in addition to honoring lifetime achievements and service awards. The lifetime achievement awards were given to Raymond and Mary Christopher, Shelton III and Jeanette Gibbs, Raymond and Linda Hart, Benjamin and Carolyn Myers, David and Lois Phillips, Johnie and Joanne Rodgers and Rosa Travis-Mathews for the undying dedication for over 4o years to the Greenville Avenue Church of Christ.