Chapter 4 of the thrilling book of Galatians continues the discussion of Justification by faith showing us our full status as sons of God. We are full-grown sons
In this superb book of Galatians, Paul had affirmed that Justification by faith is completely dependent on God’s grace and is appropriated by faith alone. In other words,
In this superb book of Galatians, Paul had affirmed that Justification by faith is completely dependent on God’s grace and is appropriated by faith alone. In other words,
In this superb book of Galatians, Paul had affirmed that Justification by faith is completely dependent on God’s grace and is appropriated by faith alone. In other words,
In Chapter 1, the grand Apostle Paul had vigorously affirmed his position as the Apostle of Jesus Christ. He stated that the Gospel he preached did not originate
Having related to us the affliction he suffered for Christ (Chapter 11:23-33), Paul will now tell of his experience of being taken up into the third heaven (Chapter
Having discussed that the Lord had authenticated him as an Apostle in Chapter 10, Paul will become very intimate in Chapter 11 as he vindicates his Apostleship. Because
As we approach Chapters 10-13, there is a great transition in subject matters from Christian living (Chapters 1-7), and Christian giving (Chapters 8-9), and now we will discover
Having discussed in the first seven chapters on the subject of Christian living, now Paul will deal with the subject of Christian giving in Chapters 8-9. Paul is