By Stacy M. Brown NNPA Newswire Senior National Correspondent @StacyBrownMedia Clara McLaughlin, the famous author, and publisher of The Florida Star and The Georgia Star in Jacksonville, Florida,
St. John 21:1-14 Christ’s Appearance By The Sea of Tiberias After detailing the triumphant resurrection of Christ and His various appearances unto His own, we come now to
St. John 20:24-31 Christ’s Appearance To Thomas In our previous study in St. John 20:11-23, we saw that our triumphant Lord had appeared unto the ten apostles, giving
St. John 20:11-23 Christ’s Appearance Before His Own It is profoundly significant that we have arrived to the triumphant resurrection of Christ and His mighty appearances to many
St. John 20:1-10 Christ’s Triumphant Victory Over Death The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the prominent theme in this section of the Apostle John’s presentation, for without the
Christ’s Voluntary Surrender of His Life It is indeed noteworthy that of the Saviour’s passion, all four evangelists – Matthew, Mark, Luke, John – recorded it; with that
There is an ugly truth why some segments of white American society are so fierce in their defense of creationism. Simply put, that reason is white supremacy. But
By Dr. John E. Warren, Publisher, The Voice and Viewpoint Newspaper This week it will be 56 years since the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. marched on
Christ’s Trial Before Pilate – Part II In the dramatic confrontation of Christ with Pilate, it was established that Pilate had affirmed on numerous occasions that he “found