Multiple Patents by Individual African- American Inventors When people think of famous Black inventors, they often remember George Washington Carver and Benjamin Banneker. However, there are many more Black inventors who hold multiple patents on inventions that are
February: the love month; the month that includes Valentine Day. And when we think of Valentine Day, our minds usually turn toward romantic love. Most adults can remember
Ida Mae Glaze Bailey celebrated her 95th birthday with family and friends on January 17, 2015 at Hamilton Park United Methodist Church. It was a joyful occasion !
Top Ladies, Top Teens, Lords & Guest enjoyed an evening of elegance on Saturday, February 14, 2015; celebrating not only Valentines’ Day, but a special occasion to honor
U.S. Representative and United Methodist clergyman Emanuel Cleaver II will be the guest preacher on Thursday, Feb. 19, during the regular 11:30 a.m. worship service in Perkins Chapel,
In observance of Black History Month, I believe it is important to highlight some of those long lasting institutions and entities that have continued to serve the empowerment
James Comey, the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, recently said that a healthy dialogue concerning the issues of race and policing was necessary if American society
Each year the Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce announces outstanding entrepreneurs in the metroplex to honor at the “Annual Quest for Success Luncheon”. This occasion is one of