CHICAGO (AP) — R. Kelly walked out of a Chicago jail Monday after posting $100,000 bail that allows him to go free while awaiting trial on charges that
If you want to make a difference in your community in a place that’s mission-driven, being a police officer at Parkland Health and Hospital System might be a
DALLAS, TX — Tonight, the Texas Civil Rights Project issued a vote recommendation to the Dallas City Council members urging them to vote “NO” on Addendum Item 28
John Ingram was a living legend who created an African American owned institution which was the first of its kind in the state of Texas and most likely
DALLAS, TEXAS – Former Dallas County District Attorney Faith Johnson recently joined Stanton LLP as Partner. “Faith Johnson is a leader in the community, an advocate in the courtroom, and
High School Students Can Nominate Their Favorite K-12 Teachers for the “Barnes & Noble National Teacher of the Year” Award National Winner and Their School to Split $10,000
The Dallas Metroplex Musicians’ Association (DMMA) invites you to attend our annual Young Musicians’ Showcase. The performers are 9th through 12th grade students who attend schools in the
As part of the national “Give Kids A Smile” initiative, Texas A&M College of Dentistry provided free dental care to local children. Children between the ages of 1
Cass Robert Callaway, a practicing criminal defense lawyer who represents individuals accused of misdemeanor and felony charges, will be the presenter for the February Lunch & Learn Series
Helen Giddings, former Texas State Representative, will be honored with the James C. Belt Jr. Lifetime Achievement Award by the United Methodist Men of St. Luke “Community” United