Three World Pemieres by Master Choreographers Two International Engagements a Season from History to Innovation Dallas Black Dance Theatre (DBDT) announces its 40th anniversary during the 2016-2017 season,
Romans chapter 8 is one glorious chapter assuring us of victory in Jesus Christ. Although this chapter brings out the fact that there are challenges we must encounter, yet we will be victorious in Jesus
By Patricia Maryland, Dr.PH (NNPA News Wire Guest Columnist) Good physical and mental health help drive success and enjoyment in our lives. But when it comes to overcoming
Do you have a love that can endure any storm and stand the test of time no matter what? Often when we think of love, we tend to think of the romantic form
By Stacy M. Brown (NNPA News Wire Contributor) Sponsorships and donations have been pouring into the new Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC), which
The National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) salutes the career development success of the Discover the Unexpected (DTU) NNPA Journalism Fellowship program that has just completed its first term
Romans 8:12-27 Victory Over the Enslaving Power of Sin, Part II Having discussed in Romans 8:10-11 that the Holy Spirit imparts life to the believers, Paul will now
Be Inspired…Take Action…Embrace the Future! The Southwest Jewish Congress, already known for recognizing outstanding community volunteers from various disciplines and backgrounds, is doubling down this October to celebrate both Inspiring Women and Men of Action on
By Candace J. Semien, The Drum, NNPA Member Leaving the city of Baker, Louisiana, I turned left onto the interstate faster than I normally would. I needed to get