Black Women for Positive Change Endorses Dr. Maya Rockeymoore Cummings for U.S. Congress


“It is with great pleasure that Black Women for Positive Change endorses Dr. Maya Rockeymoore Cummings for election to the 7th U.S. Congressional District, in Baltimore, Maryland. We enjoyed interviewing Dr. Cummings to learn about her “HOPE Agenda” for Baltimore citizens that addresses: Healthy and safe communities; Opportunities for Youth; Prosperous families; and Equitable development,” stated Dr. Stephanie E. Myers and Honorable Daun S. Hester, National Co-Chairs, of Black Women for Positive Change, “It is only appropriate that the stellar Congressional career of the late Congressman Elijah Cummings, be continued by his outstanding, accomplished wife. Her love of her late husband and her passion to continue his legacy on behalf of the residents of the 7th District of Baltimore, deserves the support of voters.”

“I have known Dr. Cummings for several years and have witnessed her outstanding leadership in government, and the private sector,” said Danyell Smith, Chair, Baltimore Chapter of Black Women for Positive Change, “She is passionate and humble, yet she is a fighter where she needs to be in the halls of the U.S. Congress and for her Baltimore Community. Dr. Rockeymore Cummings overlooks the messy noise of campaigning and focuses on what drives policy and legislation. It is because of her approach that I, as well as our organization-Black Women for Positive Change, are proud to endorse such an amazing woman who can definitely hold her own in the U.S. Congress and can take Baltimore into the next phase of Elijah’s ‘Vision’. Black Women for Positive Change encourages Baltimore voters, in the 7th Congressional District, to vote for Dr. Maya Rockeymoore Cummings, in the Maryland election, on June 02, 2020.”

In response to the endorsement, Dr. Maya Rockeymoore Cummings stated, “I am honored to be endorsed by Black Women for Positive Change. I appreciate their belief in my ability to bring positive change to the 7th ‘district. We have a shared commitment to creating opportunity and building strong, healthy communities in the Baltimore region, and we both believe our community needs fresh ideas and new leadership. I am ready to fight for our people and I look forward to our work together.”

Black Women for Positive Change, is a national civic, volunteer network dedicated to; (1) Strengthening and Expanding the American, Middle/Working Class, with focus on the African American Community, (2) Changing the Culture of Violence in America, and the World; and (3) Creating ‘Opportunities As Alternatives to Violence.’