Black Police In America

Dr. J. Ester Davis
Dr. J. Ester Davis

“There is no better time than now for this electrifying, clear and much needed volume” writes

Robert B. Ingram, former President of the National Conference of Black Mayors.  “Black Police in America” is a book written by W. Marvin Dulaney.   Dulaney’s book traces the growth, disappearance and resurgence of the African American presence in police forces combined with changes in black influence on the political front.   Equally as interesting is “Challenges to Control” written by Atlanta’s former Mayor Maynard Jackson on the politics of police reform.

This week I found my way over to the Black Police Association of Greater Dallas, 211 Centre Street, Dallas, 75208, looking for someone to talk to about the police pension, most definitely  the number one

“hot topic”  in neighborhoods.  In addition, the floodgates “runneth over”  about  the association’s  endorsements of select  candidates that are creating a lot of synergy  in all voting communities locally and beyond.   Within a few hours a Sgt. Sheldon Smith, Chair, Political Action Committee (PAC) sent a text with his cell phone number.    Huh, I thought, this is going much better than expected.  I was impressed that this group had a political action agenda and a working committee.  WOW!!!

The sergeant, who has been a police officer for 23 years, was direct, in deliberate command with blunt truth. The cadence of his voice  was one of genuine concern for a city he loves to serve and protect.  “We are losing good officers” he said with backup statistics.   More than one time he said ‘we believe in the citizens’.   We discussed the open recruitment for officers  from the City of San Antonio and other municipalities. . . offering more money, respect and security. . . just  “come to work for us”.   I agree with the Sergeant, it is not ok to lose good officers and it is darn embarrassing for another city to come on your turf. . .  put up a billboard for  your officers, all because city elected officials will not find a solution or attempt to.

Our men and women in blue should be paid salaries complimenting the best that Dallas has to offer.  Dallas is indisputably, one of the greatest cities in the USA.  We have a start-of-the-art police training facility with robots and one of the most comprehensive 911 Systems on the planet.  We built a thousand room hotel and convention hall to attract and compete for the world’s largest conferences.  And with DFW Airport ranking as one of the busiest airport, we have it all.

Our conversation moved to the “boldface” loud endorsement of former City Council Tunnel Adkins, who by the way received the endorsement of Chief David Brown, Dallas’ former Police Chief.   The Sergeant did not mince his words.  “Some politicans you cannot talk to, some do not listen”. He went on to explain that Mr. Adkins not only has the knowledge and experience, but long before the problem became a humiliating reality, Mr. Adkins had the courage to render a warning about the pension fund for fireman and police.  It fell on deaf ears.  Now, former mayors are more concerned about their legacies than the future of public safety.

Remember… my brothers and sisters of Dallas, what the sergeant  said.  “We believe in the citizens.”

Call your city council.  Call the Mayor’s office and voice your thoughts on the pension, adequate salaries for the police and fire rescue.  Please vote.  All politics are local.  Please vote.


Ester Davis hosts the National Council of Negro Women(NCNW) annual Hat and Tea. Sunday, April 30, 2017. 3:00 PM.  Email: or 214.376.9000