Arnold joins effort to vaccinate teachers immediately


Councilmember calls the effort a new GOTV campaign—Get Our Teachers Vaccinated

(DALLAS, February, XX, 2021) — Dallas City Councilmember Carolyn King Arnold today called on City, County and State leaders to immediately place Texas teachers on the high-priority list to receive Covid-19 vaccines available from Pfizer and Moderna.  Arnold said she believes this is a decision that will benefit teachers and students as well as the Texas economy. She labeled the effort as a GOTV Campaign or Get Our Teaches Vaccinated!

“Teachers are part of the front-line workforce who should be alongside other essential workers who are in line to receive inoculations.” said Arnold. “If we can get teachers back in the classroom and they are comfortable being there, that will have an enormous effect on families who need to feel safe and want their children to feel safe.  Putting teachers on the list of eligible recipients now will bring a huge sense of relief to classrooms and families throughout Texas.”

Arnold also noted the “ripple effect” of vaccinating teachers early.

“I think safe school environments are the key to rebuilding the economy, especially for small businesses,” said Arnold. “So many workers can’t return to their employment until their children are back in the classroom full-time. Right now, teachers are taking enormous risks to return to a regular classroom. We can remove that risk for teachers, and it will have an enormous benefit for children, families. and the economy.

Arnold praised this week’s announcement that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has been activated to assist large cities with the vaccination efforts.

“This should take a huge load off of Austin and Dallas County leaders,” said Arnold. “Let’s put Texas teachers on the highest priority list for the vaccine. They should not have to make a decision about leaving their beloved profession because they feel unsafe back in the classroom. If we really love our teachers, they should get the vaccine ASAP.”