Alpha Xi Omega Chapter Celebrates the 108th Founding of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®

The Dallas Community is still gleaming from the 2016 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®, Alpha Xi Omega Chapter 2016 Founders’ Day Luncheon. Alpha Xi Omega is the oldest AKA chapter in the Dallas/Fort Worth area and has a longstanding reputation for hosting remarkable events and providing exemplary service to the Dallas community. The Hilton Anatole Hotel’s Grand Ballroom was the setting for the event.
The Founders of the first Greek-letter sorority for African American college-trained women were remembered with a most suitable theme, “Honoring Our Founders: Women of Strength and Endurance”. The keynote speaker, The Honorable Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, Mayor of Baltimore, Maryland brought the theme to life during her address to almost 1000 citizens, members of other Greek-lettered organizations and elected officials. Mayor Rawlings-Blake provided a candid and personal account as the city of her birth erupted in protests then riots, looting and mass chaos as a result of another a young African American man, Freddie Gray, dying in police custody. She is the epitome of a “woman of strength and endurance.”
Founders’ Day is also the occasion when Alpha Kappa Alpha members who have achieved 75, 50 and 25 year membership milestones are recognized for their contributions and service to the Sorority and mankind. Four members celebrated 50 years and two members celebrated 25 years of service. Fifty year members receive designation as “Golden” and “Silver” is the designation for twenty-five year members. The fifty year honorees were Ms. Shelia Ray Hutchinson, Ms. Nellie Jordan, Ms. Delores Lloyd Shaw and Mrs. Mae Frances Saulter. The twenty-five year honorees were Ms. Regina Crosby and Mrs. LaChon Jacobs. All of the honorees were recognized for distinguished service to Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® as well as time-honored community servants and activist.
The audience was greeted by Former South Central Regional Director, Shirley Fisher, Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson and Dallas Mayor Pro Tem Erik Wilson, Each honoree was presented Senate Proclamations by State Senator Royce West to mark this milestone. In addition, Mayor Rawlings-Blake was recognized by the Texas Senate as well as Ms. Kassie Gossom, 2016-2017 President of Alpha Xi Omega, Mrs. Cheryl Benson, Founders’ Day Chairman and Mrs. Beverly Randle, Co-Chairman. President Gossom selected for the first time two members of Alpha Xi Omega, Mrs. Donnie Breedlove and Mrs. Millie Ferguson as Founders’ Day Honorary Chairmen for their enduring service to the Sorority and the Founders’ Day Committee. The attendees were also entertained by Violinist Richmond Punch.
Alpha Xi Omega Chapter is most appreciative to its members and the Dallas Community for supporting this time-honored tradition.