“A Survey of the Book of Romans” Romans 8:28-39 Assured Victory in Jesus Christ

Romans chapter 8 is one glorious chapter assuring us of victory in Jesus Christ. Although this chapter brings out the fact that there are challenges we must encounter, yet we will be victorious in Jesus Christ! After describing the groaning of both Christians and creation itself, Paul said, “And we know that all things work together for good” (Romans 8:28). Ultimately, all believers who love God will receive God’s blessing! We can be assured that all that comes about in our lives is according to the eternal plan of the all- wise and all-powerful Heavenly Father.
In Romans 8:29-30, we catch a glimpse of all eternity and time, for these verses confirm and elaborate what Paul said in verse 28. From these sublime verses, we are assured that God’s eternal plan conceived in eternity will be consummated in time. As believers, we have been called, justified and one day we will experience being glorified when we receive a glorified body at the Rapture (I Corinthians 15:51-57). Our God demonstrated His vested interest in us by justifying us in the sending of His Son to die in our stead; thus, God is on our side and no one can successfully condemn us. God gave His best for us, and we can be assured that He will give us all we need (vs. 31-32). Furthermore, since God, the Divine Judge, has fully pardoned and acquitted us, no one can bring a sustaining charge against God. In addition, the condemnation of the believers is impossible since God the Father has pardoned them (vs. 33-34). It is a wonderful thought to know that we are saved because God the Father is the great Justifier of all who accept Jesus’ work on the cross (Romans 3:24-26).
In verse 35-36, although believers may experience various trials, we are assured that various trials cannot separate us from Christ’s love. Neither persons nor trials can separate us from Christ’s awesome love! We are indeed assured of victory because of Christ’s love for us (v. 37). No matter what might transpire in creation, the love that Christ has for us clings to us regardless of death, life, or anything else in the universe (vs. 38-39). The believer of Jesus Christ is never cut off from His love – Praise God! David concluded in Psalm 139:7-12 that there was no place he could go to escape God’s presence and I am assured from reading these verses 38-39 that no circumstance can separate us from God’s awesome love for us! Again nothing in this universe can cut off God’s love for us! May God Bless!