
Pastor – Mount Moriah
Missionary Baptist Church
Thus far Paul, a grand Apostle of Jesus Christ, has affirmed in this supreme book of Romans that the entire human race stands under the condemnation of God because of sin. The Gentile world of Paul’s day was steeped in sin (Romans 1:18-32). Whereas the Jews may not have committed the same kind of gross offences that the Gentiles were guilty of, they too were guilty because they did not completely obey God’s law; therefore, they too fell short of God’s glory (Romans 3:23). Each group had a grave need and that need could only be met by God’s grace in the sacrificial death of His Son, Jesus Christ.
In chapter 5:1, the word “therefore” directs our attention to Romans chapter 4, where Paul argued that Abraham, a great faith model, was justified by faith, not by works. Just as Abraham was justified by faith, so we are placed in right relations with God through faith. The word “justified” is a legal term that means “to be declared righteous;” and we are declared righteous by God through our faith in Jesus Christ’s sacrificial work on Calvary! We should be thankful that God has declared us “not guilty” on the basis of faith.
Because we have been justified by faith, we now experience “peace with God” (v. 1). Instead of being enemies of God because of sin, we experience the inner peace that comes through having a relationship with the God of the universe! To have God’s inner peace right now is indeed a great benefit of being justified! Another great benefit to us is to be privileged to have access to the grace of God (v. 2). Because we have been redeemed by grace through faith, we can only “rejoice in hope of the glory of God.”
In verse 3, Paul affirmed that he could “glory in tribulations because “tribulations produce patience or perseverance.” That is another great benefit of being justified by God’s grace; we can glory in tribulations, knowing that the fruit of going through hardship will produce endurance or perseverance. Moreover, as we bear up under trials, then patience or endurance will produce “experience” or “strength of character” (v. 4). It is certainly beneficial to know that as we undergo many tests of our character, it will eventually lead to our maturation.
Another benefit of God’s justification is that ultimately “hope” will be the end result of enduring trials and tribulations (v. 4). The hope that we have placed in God, will never disappoint (v. 5). The security of God’s hope is evident in that God’s love has been implanted in our hearts by the Spirit of God (v. 5). What a marvelous benefit it is to know that God loves us! In verses 6-8¸ God exhibited the extent of His love in the sending of His Son to die in our stead – even exhibiting His love when we were powerless and could not produce a remedy for our wretched condition. Thank God that we benefited from His love in the sending of His Son to die for our sins, even when we were unlovely!
Because Christ has paid the full penalty of our sin, “we shall be saved from wrath through Him” (v. 9). In verses 10-11, another benefit of God’s grace is that we have been reconciled, that is, put right with God “by the death of His Son” (v. 10). Finally, as a result of obtaining God’s grace through faith, we can “joy in God” (v. 11). What a great benefit to know that salvation is a gift from God and we can rejoice about that fact.
May God Bless!