
Pastor – Mount Moriah
Missionary Baptist Church
Having shown in this grand book of Romans, mankind’s utter need for God’s righteousness (Romans 1:18-3:20), Paul will discuss how God’s provided righteousness was imputed in the lives of two prominent Old Testament individuals by faith. Moreover, these two Old Testament figures were declared righteous on the principle of faith, and not on the basis of works. God’s grace continues to save any man on the basis of his or her faith and not by works (Galatians 3:22. 26). These two Old Testament figures, Abraham and David served to validate Paul’s argument that mankind is saved by trusting Christ to attain salvation, and not by achieving salvation through good deeds. Believers today work because we are saved, not to be saved! Good works are the fruit of our salvation; it is not the basis of our salvation!
In verse1, Paul begins his argument in proving that a man is saved based on the faith principle rather than on the basis of works by referring to one who was highly esteemed among the Jews; in addition, he was regarded as the founder of the Hebrew race, for his name was Abraham (Genesis 12:1). Using Abraham as a prime example, Paul will prove that even before the law, Abraham was justified before God by his faith (Genesis 15:6). In reference to verse 2, Abraham, the founder of the Hebrew race, could never be justified before God on the grounds of works, even though Abraham exhibited many good works. Abraham had many good works to boast in, but he could never boast before God because God does not accept the works of the flesh!
To establish his position that a man is justified completely by his faith, Paul affirms his authoritative position in verse 3 by referring to Genesis 15:6, which says – “And he believed in the Lord; and he counted it to him for righteousness.” Thus, Abraham received God’s imputed righteousness on the basis of his faith even before the law! To continue to buttress his argument, Paul declares in verse 4 and 5 that Abraham’s imputed righteousness was based on God’s grace (unmerited favor) and was not merited on the basis of Abraham’s works.
Faith in God’s provided righteousness through Jesus Christ is the only condition for receiving salvation! Because of Abraham’s faith, God imputed righteousness to Abraham’s account! In verse 6, Paul uses another Old Testament figure by the name of David to establish again his position that God’s provided righteousness is gained by a man’s faith. Whereas Abraham was justified by God before the law (Genesis 15:6); David received God’s righteousness while he was under the law; yet David was never saved by the law! Although David sinned greatly before God (v. 7), he acknowledged the blessedness of being forgiven by God (Psalm 32:1,2). As believers we are part of the “blessed crowd” wherein the Lord has not placed our sins to our account (v. 8). Although we were guilty before God, our guilt was placed upon Christ on an old rugged tree on Calvary. Joyful is the man whose sin the Lord will not reckon to his account.
May God Bless!