Rev Johnny C Smith
Rev. Johnny C. Smith,
Pastor – Mount Moriah
Missionary Baptist Church

Romans 8:12-27
Victory Over the Enslaving Power of Sin, Part II

Having discussed in Romans 8:10-11 that the Holy Spirit imparts life to the believers, Paul will now relate in Romans 8:12-13 that the Holy Spirit empowers the believer in his spiritual life.  Because the Holy Spirit has given us life and guarantees our future resurrection, we are obligated to live a holy life.  Although the believer lives in a temptation plagued world, he is obligated to choose between the things of the flesh and things of the Spirit.  Living after the flesh will bring about spiritual defeat; whereas, holiness should characterize the believer.  Because believers are sons of God through faith in Jesus Christ, we are obligated to be led by the Spirit of God (Romans 8:14).  Thus, every believer is to live each day in the power and control of the Holy Spirit.

Because believers have received the Spirit of son-ship, they are not to be enslaved to sin or fear.  Moreover, believers can approach God in an intimate manner calling Him “Abba Father” (v. 15).  In verses 16-17 the Holy Spirit testifies to the fact that we are God’s children; and being children of God, we are His heirs (Galatians 4:7), and joint-heirs with Christ.  Because believers share in the suffering of Christ, Paul wanted the believers to know that their present sufferings cannot compare with their future glory (v. 18).  Knowing this truth, believers can be encouraged to bear present afflictions.  Although believers look forward to sharing in Christ’s glory, the entire creation looks in anticipation of being redeemed from the curse of sin; thus as God’s plan of salvation is completed for His people, creation will look in anticipation from its bondage to the curse imposed because of Adam’s original sin (vs. 19-22) see Genesis 3:14, 17-19.

Returning to his original subject of believers’ experiencing sufferings (v. 18), believers are groining like nature looking forward to their full adoption when they will receive glorified bodies (v. 23).  Finally, Paul expresses to these believers that their bodies will be delivered from the bondage of sin; therefore, those who respond by faith to God’s promise will have hope, a confident expectation that their bodies will be redeemed.  Thank God that in our moment of weakness, we have the Holy Spirit to help us (vs. 26-27).   Again, thank God that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us when proper prayer eludes us.


May God Bless!