
By Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson
The Republican dominated Congress and a “rule by wealth” president have passed draconian tax legislation that favors extremely wealthy Americans, and the super elite among corporations.
Now some in this bemused alliance intend to turn their attention to cutting vitally important programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. This we must not allow them to do.
Medicare and Medicaid, signed into law by former President Lyndon Baines Johnson, in 1965 protect the elderly and others, providing them with medical care.
The Social Security system was created in 1935 when former President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed legislation ensuring that those Americans who reached the age of 65 would receive retirement income.
To tamper with these programs, which are safety nets for many of our citizens, would be a great failure in American democracy. It would be unconscionable, mean-spirited and wrong.
Attempting to undo sacred promises made to our citizens would be tantamount to refusing safe harbor to returning members of the military who have fought abroad to protect us, and our freedoms.
The rhetoric used by those who want to destroy our safety nets is colored by talk of “entitlement reform.” In actuality those who oppose the programs are hostile to seniors, to the middle class and to the disabled.
Their political thought is embedded in in a philosophy that believes that only the strong have a right to survive.
I will not sit idly by in Washington as some come after programs that are crucial to our citizens. I will resist any attempt to dismantle or destroy them with vigilance and discipline. I shall not be moved!