A Little Bit of Faith: We All Have Valleys

Colleen White
Colleen White

Have you ever been in a difficult situation where you felt alone? I think all of us have at some point in our lives. But the Bible says that we don’t have to feel that way. In the book of Hebrews it says, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you…The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?” (Hebrews 13: 5-6)

Sometimes we are brought to a place in our life when we feel alone in order for God to show us that He is all that we need. When we are forced to seek His will, His desire, and His help, this is when we can feel Him closest to us. Thus, when we are in the valley of our life or a season that we desire not to be in,we must press on and praise God anyway. We must study our Word. We must do what He has called us to do.

This is why sometimes our loneliness, our valley, feeling alone can allow God to accomplish His will in our lives. It is when we have nowhere else to turn that God has us right where He wants us. It’s in our valleys that we tend to grow in Christ. It’s in our loneliness that we tend to hear God’s voice. It’s when we feel alone that God has our attention.

If you are in your valley, be still to hear what God is trying to say to you. Watch and see how God might be using your situation to show His power. Look and see what more He would have you to do while you are in your valley. Know that you’re not alone, God is with you. Amen? Amen.