A Little Bit of Faith: Storms Come to All of Us


Walking this life is not easy. When you feel like you’re walking the path by yourself, you can feel even more alone. Then when difficulties come, you may feel like you are unable to go on.  Yet, you’re not alone. Sometimes we may experience grief and sorrow in order for us to learn how to praise and glorify our Heavenly Father.

In 1 Peter it says, “You may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith…may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed”

(1 Peter 1:6). Every single person will experience storms in their lives.

It is in our trials that we often experience our greatest growth with our Savior. It is when we are weak God is able to be stronger. It’s when we do not know which way to turn that we tend to turn toward our Savior.   Without the storms we are unable to appreciate our faith and appreciate the God we serve.

Our service to God can become sweeter when we know that He is with us no matter what. No one enjoys being in a storm, but while we are in it, it’s good to know that God is with us. The storms in our lives help to prove that our God is greater. Amen? Amen.