A Little Bit of Faith: Share Your Faith

Colleen White
Colleen White

“You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me,” (Acts 1:8). Have you ever thought about what it means to be a “witness”? Well, if you happened to see a car accident while you are at the store, the police may want to speak with you concerning what you may have seen. Plus, the insurance company may also want to speak to you since you were a witness. Then, if the situation makes it to a court of law for some reason, you might have to speak to lawyers and tell them about what you witnessed. What you are doing is telling your eyewitness account over, and over again.

This is what Christ wants from us. He wants us to be a witness for Him. He wants us to tell our story over and over and over again to people you know, to people you don’t know, and to your family members. What are you going to tell people? You’re going to tell people about what Christ has done in your life.

When people here a firsthand account about something, they are more willing to believe what they are being told. Why? Well, because you are a witness. That’s why. It’s that simple. Whatever God has done for you in your life, you should be sharing that with other people. Be a witness!

Don’t be afraid to be a witness for Christ. Be willing to open your mouth and share the good news as to what He has done for you. You should be willing to point people toward Christ. The beautiful thing about sharing the good news is that when you have the Holy Spirit, it will help you to do the sharing. You will not be on your own. It is there to help give you the strength to do it. The Holy Spirit’s power will enable you to do and say the right thing when it’s time.

So this week, be willing to share your faith with a hurting world. Can you do that? I know I can. Amen? Amen.

(My new poetry collection, All My Love, is available on Amazon. Get it today!)