A Little Bit of Faith: Refocus Your Christmas

Colleen White
Colleen White

You may be getting ready for the upcoming holidays. You might be planning on visiting your family or friends for Christmas. You might even be planning a vacation.  But with all the planning and the hustle and bustle of the season, the real meaning of this special time may be lost. It is easy to do because our society places too much emphasis on shopping and not enough emphasis on the real reason the season is celebrated.

The message of the Christmas season is simple. It’s about a savior. “…Do not be afraid, I bring you good news…Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:10-11).

What more needs to me said? If all of us, who celebrate Christmas, would take a little time to place Christ back into the season, this special and precious time of year would become even more special.  If we place our focus on Christ and how we can show His love this season, then we are half way there. The real meaning of Christmas would begin to emerge in our daily lives and our focus on the frills of Christmas would be less emphasized. Can you do something for someone you don’t know this Christmas? Can you find someone who needs to be shown Christ’s love this season? If you do something for someone who is in need, I guarantee your Christmas will have more meaning and become more Christ centered.

Let’s be more Christ-like during this precious time of year. Amen? Amen.