A Little Bit of Faith: Include God in the New Year

With a New Year dawning, many of us are looking for our new beginnings. This is a time for us to look over the past year and see how we can change or improve things in our lives. However, when we are focused on Christ, we know that our plans, when they are aligned with His plans, can help us to start our New Year off on the right foot.
However, we tend to start our new beginnings without looking to God for His advice. We have our new start planned right down to the smallest details. We may have even made our list and have it taped to our mirror in the bathroom or have it taped to the refrigerator. With our plans neatly written down and placed around the house, we are off to a new start.
There’s the rub. We are once again starting a New Year with our plans and not trying to include God in on our plans and seeking His will or His way. I once heard someone say when we make plans, God laughs. Why does God laugh? He laughs because we think that we are in control, but we are not. God’s way for our lives is always the best way, we should fall in line with how He (God) would like for our lives to be.
God’s plans are always best and can exceed our plans far beyond what we could ever comprehend. In the book of Jerimiah, it says, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11).
Therefore, when we include God in our plans, He has already worked things out for us. Once we include Him, He will make our crooked paths straight because we are putting our plans in accordance with His plans and His will. May your 2018 be filled with Christ’s love, His joy, and His peace. Amen? Amen!
Happy New Year!