A Little Bit of Faith: In the Brightness of the Sun


Debra Washington-WadeThe fluttering of bird’s wings beating against the wind while the sun rests on their backs allows one’s spirit to be still.  And the pale blue sky with clouds dotting the horizon allows one’s mind to be free. The depth of one’s soul is deeper than any ocean, and yet man’s heart allows him to remain entwined in the bloody thoughts of yesterday. Like icebergs that sink mighty ships, icebergs in men’s hearts are pulling them deeper into an unknown abyss.

While there were some men who were able to break free from their tormented souls, they paid the highest price.  Martin, Malcolm, Gandhi, and those men unknown to history, paid the highest price for divine understanding with their precious and short lives.

While the mountains cry out, and trees shake, while grass withers in the sun, and birds cry in dismay, while lions roar, and sheep pray, while children die, and mothers toss in their beds, while fathers watch their sons break and their daughters quake, while grandpa yells for change, and grandma raises her hands in defeat, the world keeps spinning,

Just like bird’s wings beat against the wind, their hearts are free of the stench and chaos of hate, jealousy, hypocrisy, mediocrity, debauchery, indifference, intolerance, and hopelessness.

While bird’s hearts beat in succession, the wind carries them far and wide.  Their dream of seeing new horizons, beyond their current existence, helps them to continue their journey. So with the hope of a new day staring them in their eyes, birds lift their wings to fly high and wide along the seas and over, and across the peaks of mountaintops. And with their beaks piercing the wind, they leave yesterday behind and anxiously push onward to look onto the face of a new day breaking forward to meet them.

With yesterday’s pain stretching behind them, the birds keep their eyes fixed on the birth of a better existence.

With this in mind, let’s allow our hearts to fly free over the curving land with them.  Let’s embrace our differences and allow the sweeping stroke of a painter’s brush to paint new hews and scopes beyond what we can comprehend.  And while the future will become less of a mystery, we can then allow our sons and daughters to dance in the brightness of the sun.