A Little Bit of Faith: He’s Waiting to Hear From You

Are you stuck? Are you not sure about your faith? Do you think there is no way God could love you? If you are that person, then this word is for you. The Bible makes it very clear how we can know that our sins are forgiven. In First John it says, “If we confess our sins, He (God) is faithful and just to forgive us our sins” (1 John 1:9). It is that simple. If you are willing to confess you sins, our Heavenly Father will forgive you.
I know it seems too easy. What you now have to learn to do is forgive yourself. If you have truly repented, you will try not to do them over again. But if you fall down again, He is still able and willing to forgive you. You have to confess it to Him. Our Heavenly Father is merciful and loving. He died on the cross for your sins, my sins, all of our sins.
Unfortunately, some people look at asking our Heavenly Father to forgive them as a free pass. It has no meaning for them. They say the words but they don’t really mean it. Don’t worry, God is no fool. He knows what is in all of our hearts. We only fool ourselves and others.
So if you are stuck in your faith and you’re not sure about your relationship with Christ, first start by asking Him to forgive you of your sins. If you are sincere about it, He is willing and able to forgive you. Are you ready to be forgiven? If so, confess your sins today. God is waiting to hear from you. Amen? Amen.