A Little Bit of Faith: He Has Risen!

“As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on the right side, and they were alarmed. ‘Don’t be alarmed,’ he said. ‘You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here” (Mark 16:5-6).
The good news is that Jesus has risen! If you follow Christ, Easter is an important time for you. Why? If Christ had not died and rose again, Jesus as we know Him today would not have the same impact. Our faith is based on Jesus’ death and resurrection. Therefore, we celebrate and remember the forty days leading up to Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Is your faith dead? Are you looking to your own understand for something important? If you are, perhaps you should resurrect your faith and learn to trust in Christ again. Life is difficult, but it’s more difficult if our faith is dead.
Easter should be a time we remember the good work Jesus did by giving His life for us. Easter should not be about the clothes we wear to church on Easter, or the Easter bunny, or going to church with our family because it’s the annual time that we go to church. Easter should be about remembering and acknowledging God’s great gift and reflecting on what it means to us and the world.
Let us shout to the world, He Has Risen! (Mark 16:6) If we can resurrect our faith and walk in the light of Christ’s love this Easter, then we can remember His sacrifice and take it more seriously than we do. Then and only then will the world see the Risen Christ as being a viable and living savior. He’s not stuffed in a tomb rotting away—He has risen and lives still today! Let’s share the good news. Amen? Amen.