A Little Bit of Faith: Have a Childlike Faith

If you have little children, you know how they are willing to trust what you have to say. Why? Because you are their parents. Little children are willing to believe and trust their parents solely based on what their parents may tell them. They do not have any doubt in their hearts. Little children believe their parents solely based on their faith and trust in what their parents can do. This is how our Savior wants us to believe in Him. Our Heavenly Father wants us to trust Him like little children. When we become like little children, we are able to fully find rest and peace in Him.
This is why when we face difficulties, we do not have to fear because our Heavenly Father has overcome any situation or circumstances we may encounter. In the book of John Jesus says, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).
If your heart is heavy starting this New Year, you should find rest knowing that your troubles are important to our Father, you only have to trust in Him as if you’re a little child and find rest in His love.
Allow His warm arms of comfort to surround you and you can believe that as you trust Him, your load will become lighter. You must have a childlike faith. Amen? Amen.